Noise Impact Sound Assessment Survey BS 4142

A noise impact assessment survey will determine the level of impact a proposed noise source will have on the existing noise environment. Part of noise impact assessment is to undertake a noise survey to establish the existing noise levels in the area and at nearby noise sensitive locations.
What Does a Noise Impact Assessment Involve?
A survey typically involves using sound monitoring equipment on site to measure the existing background and ambient sounds levels in the area over a representative period. Factors such as weather conditions and periods of high noise levels are taken into account to ensure that the data collected is suitable for the assessment.
The proposed noise source is then compared to the existing noise levels to help determine the level of impact. Depending on the noise source in question there is a considerable amount of legislation and standards that provide guidance on the level of impact. If recorded noise levels are too high, advice can be given on mitigation measures which could be implemented to ensure the compliance is achieved.
The findings are compiled in a technical report provided to and suitable for submission to Building Control to support the planning application or discharge planning conditions.
For large scale developments, an Environmental Statement is required as part of the planning application for projects likely to have a significant effect on the existing environment. A noise and vibration assessment will need to be considered for both the Construction and Operational stages of the development. The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 sets out the Regulations that apply to Industrial and Commercial developments.
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