Air Tightness Solutions
how to pass a sound test

How do you pass a sound test?

If you are wondering ‘how do I pass a sound test?’, we at Air Tightness Solutions will guide you through the entire process and will be able to inspect and test your building and give you tailored recommendations based on what from our years of experience would be right for you. However, before you give us a call, there are certain things you can do to improve the sound insulation of your building and give you a better chance of passing the test. 

To get through the sound test, you will need to pass part E of building regulations which includes airborne and impact sound transmission. As such you will need to keep in mind several factors when sound insulating your room and one of the best ways to do this is to create a checklist for yourself. 

Sound test checklist

The best way to prepare for a sound test is to ensure that you use a checklist covering all the essential details of soundproofing your room. These can include:

  • Checking there are no Holes or gaps present around the room allowing sound to escape
  • Ensuring the walls are correctly sound insulated
  • Windows are correctly glazed and are airtight.
  • There are not too many sockets or fuses around the room
  • The ceiling also should have some form of sound insulation

When creating a suitably soundproof room it is important to remember that there are two forms of sound being tested, airborne and impact. Both of these types of noise require a different procedure. For example, airborne needs the room to be kept as well sealed as tightly as possible so as to not allow sounds to escape the room. Impact on the other hand refers to sound from footsteps or any kind of impact such as dropping something or moving a piece of furniture.  

Key features to look out for


Windows are basically big openings in your house, and although this may be beneficial for letting light and air in, it can be problematic for sound insulation since they are often focus areas for sound entering and exiting a space.


A vent or any other type of opening in your home might be another big source of noise. Make sure all holes are securely sealed, and if the vent isn’t critical (make sure it doesn’t provide airflow and there are windows in the room), you may fill it with sealant or acoustic foam. If you want to reduce noise while still allowing air to flow through the vent, a labyrinth may be the ideal option.

On the day of the sound test

With a few easy activities on the day of your test, you can assist speed up the testing process and assure accurate results. To pass your sound test, make sure you have:

  • Even if one side of the party wall is occupied, engineers have access to both sides of the party walls and levels.
  • All rooms in the homes to be evaluated are accessible.
  • The spaces to be examined are clean and unoccupied.
  • Even general movement during the test might have a detrimental influence on the results, therefore the buildings being examined should be empty.
  • During testing, all noise sources such as radios and fire sirens should be switched off, and all noisy activities near the buildings being tested should be halted.

At Air Tightness Solutions, we can conduct a UKAS-accredited audit of your company’s audio levels to ensure that it complies with Part E of the Building Regulations. We will work closely with you to get the best outcomes possible, and we can provide free advice on how to make your company noise level compliant.

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